Home Base: Sewanee, TN
Operation: Central and Eastern USA
Model: T-28B
Wing Span: 41' 0"
Length: 33' 0"
Height: 13' 0"
Max Speed: 340 mph
Gross Weight: 8,600 lbs
Power Plant: Pratt & Whitney R-1832-86
Horsepower: 1425
Fuel Capacity: 177 gallons
Armament: none
Bob Ford's North American T-28B Trojan "Buddakhan"

Bob Ford is the owner and operator of this North American T-28B Trojan "Buddakhan" which is available for a 10-15 minute aerobatic routine, airshows, flybys and film.
With the advent of jet aviation, higher powered training aircraft were needed to train new pilots. After WWII, North American Aviation began to develop the next generation, high performance, advanced trainer to replace the T-6 Texan. The T-28 Trojan entered production in 1950. There were three versions of this trainer aircraft that were initially produced by NAA. The Air Force version (T-28A) was powered by an 800 hp engine. The Navy and Marine Corps version (T-28B) was powered by a 1,425 hp engine. The T-28C was created with the larger engine and a tailhook to allow it to be used for carrier training. When production ended in 1957, a total of 1,948 of the three versions had been built.
Given its high performance and durability, the T-28 was also pressed into service as an attack plane. In 1959, Sud Aviation in France purchased several hundred surplus "A" models for upgrade. Once the larger R-1830 engine and weapons carriage was added, these aircraft were used in Algeria during the early 1960s.
Beginning in 1962, the Air Force began modifying T-28A's into T-28D Nomad tactical fighter-bombers. The T-28D had the larger engine and other modifications. The T-28D proved to be very effective in counter-insurgency warfare and close air support in the Vietnam war, and was used by both U.S. forces and the South Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF).
The T-28 was used by the various branches of the U.S. Military from 1950 into the 1970's.
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Buddakhan Airshows
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